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How long have you been writing?

Basically as long as I've known how to. Honestly, I remember being excited about writing stories back when I was in grade one, and thinking they were amazing. I always won the creative writing awards in elementary school. I've always been writing.

But I've been treating writing like a second job since about 2014, if that's what you mean ;)

Who's your favourite author?

I don't think I have a favourite, I'm sorry. It's too hard to pick just one. But here are some authors I would read almost any book from: Hank Green, John Green, Holly Black, Leigh Bardugo, Erin Morgenstern, VE Schwab, and Kasie West.


When's your next book coming out?

Hopefully early 2025!!


What are you writing right now?

A Christmas romcom! so fun! and I miiiiiiight be starting a book soon based on one of my tiktok series ;)


What happened to Tickets to Karasvale?

Tickets to Karasvale was available to read for free on a website called Swoon Reads. Books with high ratings from readers got considered for a publishing deal, but the program is no longer running. And because the program is no longer running, the website is no longer up and you can't read my book anymore. The exciting thing about it though, was that the people who read it seemed to really enjoy it! It had a 4.5 heart average rating! (which was considered 'swoonworthy.') I really like Tickets to Karasvale, and while I think it still needs some fine tuning, I would love to publish it in the near future! So it isn't necessarily gone forever! 


Why do you have books under two names now?

I've been going by Nat for a long time, and since my books are sort of well known locally, and I'm also well known locally at my job, I thought it would be confusing to basically go by two different names when I'm interacting with a lot of the same people at both places. I also just really like it when people call me Nat. *blushing emoji*


So I decided to publish my books from now on under Nat instead of Natalie. 

There's also a 4 year gap between Saving Mason and Neighbourly, and I've had to make the tough decision to change publishers. Because of this, my books published before Neighbourly are not as widely available, and in case this means anything in regards to them possibly not being available at all in the future, I like the idea of at least having them separated to avoid any confusion.


Ask your own questions below! If any are asked more than a few times, I will post them on this page so that everyone else can see the answers too! 

But don't worry; if you're the only one who asks, I will still reply to you!

Thanks! Message sent.

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